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πŸ‘‹ Welcome to Langflow

Langflow is an easy way to build from simple to complex AI applications. It is a low-code platform that allows you to integrate AI into everything you do.

Docusaurus themed imageDocusaurus themed image

πŸš€ First steps​


Make sure you have Python 3.10 installed on your system.

You can install Langflow with pipx or with pip.

Pipx can fetch the missing Python version for you, but you can also install it manually.

pip install langflow -U
# or
pipx install langflow --python python3.10 --fetch-missing-python

Or you can install a pre-release version using:

pip install langflow --pre --force-reinstall
# or
pipx install langflow --python python3.10 --fetch-missing-python --pip-args="--pre --force-reinstall"

We recommend using --force-reinstall to ensure you have the latest version of Langflow and its dependencies.

⛓️ Running Langflow​

Langflow can be run in a variety of ways, including using the command-line interface (CLI) or HuggingFace Spaces.

langflow run # or langflow --help

πŸ€— HuggingFace Spaces​

Hugging Face provides a great alternative for running Langflow in their Spaces environment. This means you can run Langflow without any local installation required.

The first step is to go to the Langflow Space or Langflow 1.0 Preview Space

Remember to use a Chromium-based browser for the best experience. You'll be presented with the following screen:

Docusaurus themed imageDocusaurus themed image

From here, just name your Space, define the visibility (Public or Private), and click on Duplicate Space to start the installation process. When that is done, you'll be redirected to the Space's main page to start using Langflow right away!

Once you get Langflow running, click on New Project in the top right corner of the screen. Langflow provides a range of example flows to help you get started.

To quickly try one of them, open a starter example, set up your API keys and click ⚑ Run, on the bottom right corner of the canvas. This will open up Langflow's Interaction Panel with the chat console, text inputs, and outputs.

πŸ–₯️ Command Line Interface (CLI)​

Langflow provides a command-line interface (CLI) for easy management and configuration.


You can run the Langflow using the following command:

langflow run [OPTIONS]

Find more information about the available options by running:

langflow --help

Find out more about 1.0​


We are currently working on updating the documentation for Langflow 1.0.

To get you learning more about what's new and why you should be excited about Langflow 1.0, go to A new chapter for Langflow and also come back often to check out our migration guides as we release them.

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